Fixing Stuff Around yourself

Adnan Shabbir
2 min readDec 17, 2020

When you are making a positive attitude towards your success, your morale is high, then you have to organize yourself. People believe that getting organized is easy but sometimes it is very difficult to be organized
My mobile phone is broken a few days ago. I am only using the laptop for all-purposes of my life like WhatsApp, Microsoft Word, and google chrome. Every day I use my Laptop for 7–8 hours for my studies and save the files on the desktop. After a few days, I see that my desktop is complete filled with the different files of the assignment and quizzes, final year projects, Research articles, etc. It is irritating me to not use the laptop or all the file needs to organized in the one folder but due to my a lot of tasks I cannot manage all the files in one folder and every day I think that I will do it tomorrow.

Desktop screen screenshot is in unorganized way

Clearing all the stuff:

One day I think that organizing is the first key to success. I have to organize all of my files in one folder. Its take 5–10 minute and make All the file in one folder. Organizing is the journey, not a destination.

Organized Picture of desktop screen

I feel very good to do this activity, and organizing is the key to the success. Thank you regard

Adnan Shabbir

